NTRANS (Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies)


NTRANS is established to deliver world leading research on the energy system in the transition to the zero-emission society


NTRANS focuses on the role of the energy system in the decarbonization of sectors such as energy, transport, industry, and buildings, as well as our everyday lives.

New practices, increased citizen engagement, and changes in behaviour are vital in order to stimulate demand for low-carbon solutions, to create political legitimacy, and to mobilize the resources needed for the transition.

We ask:

  1. How can the scope of the transition be widened to include citizens and their interaction with technologies and systems?

  2. How can the scope of the transition be deepened (i.e. how can a fundamental society-wide change be implemented through the logics of production, distribution, consumption, and coupling of economic sectors)? and

  3. How can the transition be accelerated to achieve emission reductions at the intersection of energy, climate, and sustainability?

Project Partners

All the NTRANS partners can be found here. Ocean Hyway Cluster’s role in NTRANS is a link and coordinator between industrial and academic project partners.


Do you have questions or comments? Feel free to get in touch.


Kristina Storegjerde Skogen

Project Engineer
+47 948 47 736



Elkem Bremanger - a producer of green hydrogen


NORA North Atlantic Hydrogen Learning Network