OHC at the National Conference on Cruise Tourism in Norway

Arena Ocean Hyway Cluster will be present at the National Conference on Cruise Tourism in Norway in Bergen on the 29th October.

How will we prepare for the expected growth in cruise traffic to Norway? Are we doing enough and what energy forms must the ports offer? Must we set limits for the number of ports calls? These and many other issues are the subject of the conference.

Arena Ocean Hyway Cluster will take part in the third afternoon debate. This session will seek to answer the questions surrounding future energy carriers for the cruise industry: how will shore-power, battery technology, LNG, hydrogen or other energy carriers contribute to the future of the cruise industry?   Trond Strømgren is our expert on energy and hydrogen technology and will present and discuss the solutions for future energy carriers for cruise ships. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and hearing the audience’s views.

The main aim of the conference is to increase knowledge about some of the many challenges related to cruise tourism in Norway. Both private and public sectors are needed to plan and make the best possible decisions on how to facilitate and meet the expected growth in cruise traffic to Norway. The conference will alternate between presentations, panel discussions and interactive debates.

Booking is open until Tuesday 22nd Oct online – we look forward to meeting you at the conference.


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